Animated Gradient Background

Background Widgets  /  Animated Gradient Background

Animated Gradient Background Widget for Elementor

The Animated Gradient Background for Elementor allows you to design beautiful gradient backgrounds for your sections. 

Choose Template
360° Product Viewer with Animated Gradient Background and Button
360° Product Viewer with...
Video Play Button with the Animated Gradient Background
Video Play Button with Animated...
Animated Gradient Background with Image Layers
Animated Gradient Background...
Animated Gradient Background with a Step Process
Animated Gradient Background...
Animated Gradient Background with Blob Shapes
Animated Gradient Background...
Animated Gradient Background with an Image
Animated Gradient Background...
Animated Gradient Background as a Hero Section
Animated Gradient Background...
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Why Should You Use the Animated Gradient Background Widget?

Enhanced Visual Appeal

Animated Backgrounds adds a dynamic and modern aesthetic to a website, making it more visually engaging. The smooth transitions between colors create a sense of movement and depth.

User Engagement

The subtle movement in animated gradients can capture a user’s attention without being too distracting. This can lead to longer time spent on the site and a more enjoyable browsing experience.

Creative Brand Expression

Using unique animated gradient background can help a website stand out from competitors. They can be tailored to match a brand’s identity, helping to reinforce brand recognition and a memorable user experience.

Foreground & Background

Layering Creativity

Integrate the Animated Gradient Background seamlessly into the foreground or background of each container, adding a dynamic touch to your content and creating beautiful gradient backgrounds for your sections. Get creative and design stunning gradient hero sections for your Elementor website, enhancing its visual appeal.

Full Page Backgrounds

Dynamic Backgrounds Across Your Whole Website!

The Animated Gradient Background isn’t just for containers. You can choose to spread it across your whole design by choosing a full-page layout in the settings. It makes your website look awesome and puts the background everywhere. Different color gradients can also set the tone for your content, enhancing the overall user experience.

Custom Background Widgets

Craft Personalized Backgrounds with the Widget Creator!

Didn’t find what you were looking for? You can create a custom background widget using the widget creator by following the video below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Animated Gradient Background Widget for Elementor?

The Animated Gradient Background for Elementor allows you to design beautiful gradient backgrounds for your Elementor sections or containers. It enhances the visual appeal and creates a dynamic, engaging user experience. The gradient effect shows two colors at a time and smoothly changes the colors to add a sense of depth and movement to the webpage. Adding an Animated Gradient Background in a hero section immediately captures visitors' attention, creating a striking first impression.

How many colors can I add in my Animated Gradient Background?

You can add up to four colors in the Animated Gradient Background to create interactive and visually appealing backgrounds for your Elementor website.

How to add the Animated Gradient Background Widget to an Elementor Website?

You can easily add the Animated Gradient Background to an Elementor website.

  1. Install and activate the free version of Unlimited Elements for Elementor.
  2. Navigate to Unlimited Elements → Widgets in the WordPress Dashboard.
  3. Search for 'Animated Gradient Background.'
  4. Hover over the widget and click 'Install.'
How can I add an Animated Gradient Background to my Elementor section or container?

To add an animated gradient background to your Elementor section or container, follow these steps:

  1. Install the "Animated Gradient Background" widget.
  2. Choose the container or section where you'd like to apply the effect.
  3. Navigate to Style → Unlimited Background → Animated Gradient Background.
  4. Adjust the colors and settings as desired.
  5. Save your changes and preview the page.
Is the Animated Gradient Background for Elementor a free widget?

Yes, the Animated Gradient Background is a free widget in Unlimited Elements. You can use this widget in the free version of Unlimited Elements.