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Checkboxes Filter for Elementor

The Checkboxes Filter Widget can be used with any of our Post widgets, dynamic loops, WooCommerce Products, and galleries to help users filter the content on your Elementor page. The widget empowers visitors to enhance their search experience by applying filters, simplifying the search procedure for them. You can customize the appearance of your Checkbox Filter Elements with a wide range of styling options.


Let’s look at each of the options in the “Checkboxes Filter Widget” below.

Install Checkboxes Filter Widget for Elementor #

This widget requires Unlimited Elements Pro version installed and activated on your WordPress website.

  1. Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
  2. Search in the search bar for “Checkboxes Filter”
  3. Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
  4. Add your “Checkboxes Filter” widget to any Elementor Page

Filter Settings #


Sync to Posts Widget After Load

The filter will display only terms that are part of the post widget query.


Override Query Terms

This will override the query used in the post widget.


Filter Role

Select the filter role.

  • Single - no children filter.
  • Main - There are additional filters on the page, and this particular filter will remain unchanged when you click on the others.
  • Child - This filter will not be visible on start, and will appear only when some relevant main filter selected.

Disabled Mode

When activated, hidden checkboxes become visible, appearing grayed out and non-clickable.

Term Selection Settings #


Include By

Include the posts from different options given below

  • Specific Terms
  • Children of
  • Children of Current Term
  • Current Post Term
  • By Search Text
  • Only Childless
  • Not a Child of Other Term
  • Only Direct Children
  • Term Meta

Exclude By

Choose specific posts that you would like to exclude from your selection by adding rules.

  • Specific Terms
  • Current Term
  • Current Post Terms
  • Hide Empty Terms

Max Number of Terms

Set the maximum number of terms to be selected.


Order By

Select the order by term.

  • Default
  • Name
  • Slug
  • Term Group
  • Term Id
  • Description
  • Parent
  • Count
  • Include
  • Meta Value

Order Direction

Select the order direction for terms.

  • Default
  • Descending
  • Ascending

To know more about post query setting, please visit our article on Advanced Post Selection

Loader Settings #


Loader Type

Select the loader type.

  • Grayed Tabs
  • Hidden Filter

Limit Num Tabs Why Loading

If chosen, the loader will display a limited number of tabs during the loading process.

Title Settings #


Show Title

Show/Hide the title on filter.



Type text to show as title.

Post Count Settings #


Show Post Count on Term

Show/Hide the post count with filter terms.


Count Wrapper (Open)

Type symbol to show as count open wrapper.


Count Wrapper (Close)

Type symbol to show as count close wrapper.

Clear Button Settings #


Show Clear Button

Show/Hide the clear button.


Clear Button Text

Type text to show as clear button.


Clear Button Icon

Choose icon to show in the clear button.


Clear Button Position

Set the positioning of clear button.

  • Above Checkboxes
  • Below Checkboxes

Layout Settings #


Layout Type

Select the layout of checkboxes.

  • Checkboxes
  • Accordion

Accordion Button Open Text

Type text for accordion open button.


Accordion Button Close Text

Type text for accordion close button.


Open Accordion Icon

Choose icon to show in the open accordion button.


Close Accordion Icon

Choose icon to show in the close accordion button.

Checkboxes Filter Widget Styling #

A lot of styling options are provided to control every aspect of the widget’s appearance. Modify the colors to match your site’s look and feel.  You can customize every single detail to perfectly blend with your website design.

General Styling #

Set the width of checkbox, container alignment, and turn the checkbox right to left.

Checkbox Layout Styling #

Style the checkbox layout, alignment, gap, and row gap.

Checkbox Styling #

You can set the checkbox size, scale, color, background color, border radius, and border.

Checkbox Label Styling #

In this section, set the label color, typography, shadow, and gap.

Title Styling #

Set the title spacing, alignment, color, typography, and text shadow.

Post Count Styling #

You can set the post count spacing, color, typography, and shadow.

See More Button Styling #

Here, You can set the spacing, typography, border, icon, padding, text color, and icon color for see more button.

Clear Button Styling #

You can set the spacing, typography, border, icon size, gap, button padding, text color, background color, and icon color for clear button.

Accordion Button Styling #

In this section, you can set the accordion button typography, padding, positioning, border radius, spacing, border, background color, and button color.

Accordion Icons Styling #

You can style the accordion icon size, spacing, color, color hover and color active.

Usage Examples #

Here are some live use cases for the Checkboxes Filter Widget.

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