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Currency Converter for Elementor

The Currency Converter Widget provide your visitors with real-time exchange rates and seamless conversion calculations, all within the familiar interface of Elementor. It provides visitor a user-friendly experience that enhances your website’s functionality. Whether your visitors are making international purchases or planning travel expenses, the Currency Converter widget makes it effortless to stay informed and make accurate calculations. Transform your website into a global platform with the Currency Converter widget for Elementor.


Let’s look at each of the options in the “Currency Converter Widget” below.

Install Currency Converter Widget for Elementor

This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.

  1. Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
  2. Search in the search bar for “Currency Converter”
  3. Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
  4. Add your “Currency Converter” widget to any Elementor Page 

To begin using this widget, you need to firstly enter the Exchange Rate API Key.

You need to go to Unlimited Elements>>Settings>>Integrations>>Exchange Rate API.

You can get your API Key here.

General Settings


Currency Code

Type your three letter currency code to which you want to currency be converted.

You can get list of currency codes from here.


Rate Precision

You can specify the number of decimals for the rate from 2 to 6. The default value is 2.


Include Currencies

You can specify a list of currencies separated by comma to include, otherwise all currencies will be displayed.


Cache Time

You can specify the cache time of results in minutes.


Calculation Mode

Select the calculation trigger mode.

  • After Button Click
  • After Currency Amount Change

Output Decimal Digits

You can specify the output decimal digits.


Default Currency Selected

Turn on or off the option for default currency.


Default Currency Selected From

You can define default from currency code here.


Default Currency Selected To

You can set default currency code.

Layout Settings


Input Default Value

Set the default value for input field.


Show Currency Flag

Show/Hide the currency flag.


Show Title Currency Name

Show/Hide the title currency name.


Show Title Currency Name

Show/Hide the title currency name.


Show Title Currency Code

Show/Hide the title currency code.


Show Dropdown Item Currency Name

Show/Hide the dropdown item currency code.


Show Currency Input Label

Show/Hide the currency input label.


Currency Input Label

Type text to show as currency input label.


Show Dropdown Label

Show/Hide the dropdown label.


From Dropdown Label Text

Type text to show as "From" dropdown label text.


To Dropdown Label Text

Type text to show as "To" dropdown label text.


Show Output Label

Show/Hide the output label.


Output Label

Type text to show as output label.


Show Base Currency

Show/Hide the base currency element.


Search Placeholder

Type text to show as search placeholder.


Button Text

Type text to show in button.

Icons Settings


Swap Button Icon

Choose an icon to display as swap button.



Expand Icon

Choose an icon to display as expand icon.


Collapse Icon

Choose an icon to display as collapse icon.

Currency Converter Widget Styling

All elements of the widget’s design can be managed using various styling choices. You have the freedom to select colors that harmonize with your website’s aesthetic. Customize the text, icons, fonts, and layout to tailor the widget’s appearance and functionality to your specific preferences.

Input Label Styling

You can set the input label typography, text color, text shadow and alignment.

Input Styling

Set the typography, width, spacing, padding, text color, background color, border, and border radius for input element.

Dropdown Field Container Styling

Set the dropdown field gap, layout, and alignment.

Dropdown Field Labels Styling

You can set the dropdown field label typography, color, and text shadow.

Dropdown Field Styling

Style the dropdown field spacing, gap, padding, border, typography, and text color.

Currency Flag Styling

You can set the currency flag width, height, and border radius.

Dropdown Styling

You can set the dropdown max height, border, border width, border radius, shadow, gap and background color.

Dropdown Item Styling

Style the dropdown item padding, border, typography, background color, and title color.

Dropdown Item Flag Styling

You can set the dropdown item flag width, height, gap, and radius.

Dropdown Currency Search Styling

Set the currency search margin, typography, background color, text color, border, and border radius.

Output/Result Styling

Style the alignment, spacing, background, border, radius, padding, typography, color, and text shadow of output element.

Swap Button Styling

You can set the swap button width, height, icon size, background color, icon color, border, and border radius.

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Currency Converter Widget.

Video Overview

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