“Post List Widget” allows you to list the posts in a very interactive way. A post list can be created in no time and has many options for presenting the content such as images, text, date, time, author, meta data, etc. This widget offers advanced filtering and also comes with custom metadata options to show custom fields and ACF fields.
Let’s look at each of the options in the “Post List Widget” below.
Install Post List Widget for Elementor #
This widget requires Unlimited Elements Free version installed and activated on your WordPress website.
- Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
- Search in the search bar for “Post List”
- Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
- Add your “Post List” widget to any Elementor Page
General Settings #
Post List Image Size
Select the post list image size from the drop-down list
- Medium Large (max width 768)
- Large (max width 1024)
- Medium (max width 300)
- Thumbnail (150x150)
- Full Size
- 1536x1536 (max width 1536)
- 2048x2048 (max width 2048)
- Woocommerce Thumbnail (300x300)
- Woocommerce Single (max width 600)
- Woocommerce Gallery Thumbnail (100x100)
- Shop Catalog (300x300)
- Shop Single (max width 600)
- Shop Thumbnail (100x100)
Item Layout
Select the item layout from the given options
- Row
- Row Reverse
- Column
- Column Reverse
Number Of Columns
Choose the number of columns you want to display in the post list.
List Gap
Set the gap between lists of the post list.
Intro Number of Characters
Define the number of characters of post you want to display.
Show Empty Message
Shows empty message when no post answers the post query.
Empty Message
Type any custom empty message.
Layout Settings #
Show or hide elements in Post List.
Show Image
Show/Hide the image of the post.
Show Categories
Choose any of the options from the given list to show the categories of the post
- No
- All Categories
- Only Main Category
- By Taxonomy
Show Title
Show/Hide the title of the post.
Title HTML Tag
Select HTML tag for the title.
- div
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
Show Text
Show/Hide the post text.
Select the positioning of the button
- Hide
- In Content
- On Side
Button Text
Type any custom text for the button.
Additional Data Settings #
Show or Hide the additional data on the post list.
Show Date
Show/Hide the date of the post.
Show Time
Show/Hide the time of the post.
Show Author
Show/Hide the author of the post.
Show Custom Meta
Display custom metadata, ACF (advanced custom fields) in the post list.
- Show custom meta
- Select meta filed name
- Add custom text before metadata
- Choose custom meta icon
Show Meta Fields
Show/Hide all meta fields with content for debug purposes.
Post Query Setting #
Select the exact posts you want to show on your Post List
Posts Source
Choose any of the below options for your post source.
- Current Query Post
- Custom Posts
- Related Posts
- Manual Selection
Post Types
Choose the type of post you want to display.
Include By
Include the posts from different options given below
- Include Sticky Posts
- Get Only Sticky Posts
- Author
- Date
- Post Parent
- Post Meta
- Most Viewed
- ID's from PHP function
- ID's from Post Meta
- ID's from Dynamic Field
Include By Terms
Choose specific posts that you would like to include from your selection by adding rules.
- Include By Terms Relation
- Include Terms Children
Exclude By
Choose specific posts that you would like to exclude from your selection by adding rules.
- Terms
- Current Posts
- Author
- Post Without Featured Image
- Posts with current category
- Posts with current tags
- Offset
- Avoid Duplicates
- ID's from Dynamic Field
To know more about post query setting, please visit our article on Advanced Post Selection
Post Pagination and Ajax Setting #
Display the pagination for your post grid
- None
- Numbers
- Using Pagination Widget
Enable Ajax
Enable/Disable filters interaction with Ajax
Post List Widget Styling #
A variety of styling options are provided to control every aspect of the widget’s appearance. Select the colors that match the theme of your site. Make the widget look exactly how you want it to, by customizing the text, buttons, fonts, and layout.
Item Styling #
Style the item’s border, padding, radius, and shadow in this section.
Content Styling #
In this section, style the background, padding, alignment of the content.
Image Styling #
Set the image’s width, height, radius, position, etc.
Category Styling #
Set any color, background color, typography, padding and radius for category.
Title Styling #
Style the color, typography, and spacing of the title in this section.
Additional Data Styling #
In this section, style the color, typography, spacing, gap, item width, alignment of the additional data.
Text Styling #
Set the text color, typography, and spacing.
Button Styling #
Set the typography, padding, margin, radius, background color, and text color of the button.
Button Hover Styling #
Set the typography, background color, text color, border and hover effect of button hover.
Empty Message Styling #
Style the empty message typography, color, background, radius, padding, margin, border etc.
Usage Examples #
Here are some live use cases for the Post LIst Widget.
Post List with category filter option.
Post List with advanced metro grid layout.