Post Scroll Widget is the best way to showcase all the latest post to website visitors. A post Scroll can be created in no time and has many options for presenting the content such as images, category, title, text, button, date, time, etc. This widget offers advanced options like Advanced Post Selection and Post Pagination and Filtering.
Let’s look at each of the options in the “Post Scroll Widget” below.
Install Post Scroll Widget for Elementor #
This widget requires Unlimited Elements Free version installed and activated on your WordPress website.
- Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
- Search in the search bar for “Post Scroll”
- Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
- Add your “Post Scroll” widget to any Elementor Page
General Settings #
Set the number of items that show simultaneously.
Set the time between each auto transition.
Transition Speed
Set the time taken in each transition.
Intro Number of Characters
Define the number of characters of post you want to display as intro.
Button Text
Type the text to show in button.
Turn on or off the autoplay option.
Show/Hide the navigation bullets.
Item Margin
Set the margin between items.
Random Start
Posts will show randomly when turned on.
Pause on Hover
Autoplay will pause on mouse hover.
Layout Settings #
Show or hide elements in Post Scroll.
Show Image
Show/Hide the image of the post.
Show Calender
Show/Hide the calender element.
Show Categories
Show/Hide the category of the post.
Show Title
Show/Hide the title of the post.
Show Date
Show/Hide the date element.
Show Text
Show/Hide the post text.
Show/Hide the button.
Responsive Settings #
Collapse on Mobile
Post scroll will collapse on mobile device in responsive mode.
Post Query Setting #
Select the exact posts you want to show on your Post Scroll.
Posts Source
Choose any of the below options for your post source.
- Current Query Post
- Custom Posts
- Related Posts
- Manual Selection
Post Types
Choose the type of post you want to display.
Include By
Include the posts from different options given below
- Include Sticky Posts
- Get Only Sticky Posts
- Author
- Date
- Post Parent
- Post Meta
- Most Viewed
- ID's from PHP function
- ID's from Post Meta
- ID's from Dynamic Field
Include By Terms
Choose specific posts that you would like to include from your selection by adding rules.
- Include By Terms Relation
- Include Terms Children
Exclude By
Choose specific posts that you would like to exclude from your selection by adding rules.
- Terms
- Current Posts
- Author
- Post Without Featured Image
- Posts with current category
- Posts with current tags
- Offset
- Avoid Duplicates
- ID's from Dynamic Field
To know more about post query setting, please visit our article on Advanced Post Selection
Post Pagination and Filtering #
Display the pagination for your post grid
- None
- Numbers
- Using Pagination Widget
Enable Post Filtering
When turned on you can use all the post-filter widgets like tab filters, load more and infinite scroll.
Filters Behaviour
- Ajax
- Ajax and URL change - Will change the URL each time the filter changes and add the possibility to use browser back navigation.
Learn more about the different Ajax filters that can work with the Post Scroll in the links bellow:
Post Scroll Widget Styling #
A variety of styling options are provided to control every aspect of the widget’s appearance. Select the colors that match the theme of your site. Make the widget look exactly how you want it to, by customizing the text, buttons, fonts, and layout.
Wrapper Styling #
Style the wrapper border and wrapper radius.
Item Styling #
In this section, style the item direction, padding, alignment, border, and radius.
Item Background Styling #
Set the item background color and background image.
Image Styling #
Set the post image width, height, radius, border, spacing, and alignment.
Calendar Styling #
Style the calendar alignment, border, width, spacing, radius, color, typography, and background.
Category Styling #
In this section, style the category color, typography, text shadow, and spacing.
Title Styling #
Set the title color, typography, and spacing.
Date Styling #
Set the color, typography, text shadow, and spacing of date element.
Text Styling #
Style the text color, typography, shadow, and spacing.
Button Styling #
Style the button padding, radius, background, text color, typography, and spacing.
Bullets Styling #
You can style the bullet spacing, size, and background.
Usage Examples #
Here are some live use cases for the Post Scroll Widget.
Post Scroll widget with category filter option.