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Pricing Plans for Elementor

The “Pricing Plans” widget lets you present all the information to your potential clients in a clear and comprehensible manner, allowing them to make an informed decision. It is possible to add items such as badges, price labels, icons, etc. to enhance the widget’s functionality. Additionally, you can customize the background color, border color, button background, and button border for each element separately.  It also supports advanced options such as Remote Connection and syncing with other widgets.


Let’s look at each of the options in the “Pricing Plans Widget” below.

Install Pricing Plans Widget for Elementor

This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.

  1. Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
  2. Search in the search bar for “Pricing Plans”
  3. Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
  4. Add your “Pricing Plans” widget to any Elementor Page

General Settings


Button Text

Type any text for the button.



Define any number of columns to be displayed.



Adjust the gap between items.



Select the position of the badge

  • Before Text
  • After Text


Choose icon positioning from the dropdown list.

  • Hide
  • On Top
  • On Side

Content Settings

Show or hide elements in the Pricing Plans Widget.

Show Title

Show/Hide Title of the elements.

Show Description

Show/Hide Description text

Connected Widgets Settings


Enable Remote Connection

This enables the remote connection functionality for this widget.

Widget Name for Connection

Provide a name for the connection that other widgets will use to connect and control this widget.



You can connect two item-based widgets and sync them.

Sync Group

Choose the same group for two or more item-based widgets so they can sync together.


Show Debug

Display information about remote widgets connected to this widget.

Items Settings

Add Multiple Pricing Plans using the repeater field.

  • Add new items
  • Duplicate items
  • Delete items
  • Reorder Items
  • Edit items

Plan Name

Set a plan name for your item.


Sub Title

Set a subtitle for the item


Type any custom text to display as a badge.



Type the price you want to display.


Price Label

Type the price label.



Add URL to link with the button.



Choose or Upload any icon to display.


Override Button Text

Type any custom text to display on the button for this particular item.



You can use this option to override styling options for a particular element, such as background color, border color, button color, etc.

Pricing Plans Widget Styling

Every aspect of the widget’s design can be controlled through different styling options. Choose colors that complement the style of your website. You can modify the text, icons, fonts, and layout to make the widget look and work the way you want.

Item Styling

Set the alignment, border, padding and background of items.

Item Active Styling

Different styling options for active items.

Radio Button Styling

You can set the alignment, background color, button size, button border, and border radius of the radio button available in the item.

Icon Styling

In this section, set the icon size, color, background, radius, spacing, margin, horizontal and vertical alignment.

Title Styling

In this section, style the title color, typography, and spacing.

Sub Title Styling

Here, you can style the color, typography, spacing, etc. of the sub title.

Price Styling

This section lets you set the typography, color, padding, background color, and radius of the price element.

Badge Styling

You can customize color, background color, typography, padding, radius and spacing of the badge element.

Button Styling

You can style the button typography, padding, radius, background color, text color, text hover color, and spacing.

Content Styling

In this section, you can style the content alignment, color, typography, spacing of the title, and description.

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Pricing Plan widget

Pricing Plan Widget connected with Tabs widget.

Pricing Plan Widget connected with Image Carousel widget.

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