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Protected Content for Elementor

The Protected Content widget for Elementor enables you to secure specific sections of your website with password protection. Whether you want to restrict access to confidential information, private pages, or exclusive content, this widget provides a straightforward and efficient solution. With its password-based protection, you can ensure only those with the correct credentials can view the designated content, adding an extra layer of privacy and professionalism to your site.

Let’s look at each of the options in the Protected Content widget for Elementor below.

Add a Protected Content Widget to Elementor

This widget requires Unlimited Elements Pro version installed and activated on your WordPress website.

  1. Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
  2. Search in the search bar for “Protected Content”
  3. Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
  4. Add the “Protected Content” widget to any Elementor Page

General Settings


Protection Type

Select the protect type.

  1. Single Password
  2. Multiple Password


Set the password for content.


Hash SHA-256 Password

If this option is enabled, enter the SHA-256 hashed value of the password in the password field instead of the plaintext password. This ensures the password remains secure and is not exposed on the frontend. You can easily generate the hash of your password using online tools such as the SHA-256 Hash Generator.


Align Content

Set the alignment of content.

  1. Start
  2. Center
  3. End

Layout Settings


Show Title

Show or hide the title.



Type text for title.


Show Description

Show/hide the description.



Type text for description element.


Button Text

Type text for the button.


Show Graphic Element

Choose a graphic element to display.

  1. No
  2. Icon
  3. Image

Show Input Placeholder

Show or hide the input placeholder.


Placeholder Text

Type text for placeholder.

Protected Content Settings


Protected Content Source

Select the source for protected content source.

  1. Text Editor
  2. Template
  3. Image

Protected Content Editor

Use editor to to create the protected content.

Error Message Settings


Error Message

Type text for error message.

Cookie Settings


Cookie Name

he cookie name should be unique, use only letters, numbers, and underscores. No spaces or special characters are allowed.


Cookie Expiration Days

Set the expiry days duration of cookie.


Cookie Expiration Hours

Set the expiry hours duration of cookie.


Cookie Expiration Minutes

Set the expiry minutes duration of cookie.

Debug Settings


For Designing in Editor

Select to display for debugging.

  1. Show Only Protection
  2. Show Only Protected Content
  3. Show Both 

Debug Error Message

Show the error message for debugging.

Protected Content Widget Styling

Choose colors that match your website’s style and customize text, icons, fonts, and layout to perfectly suit your design.

Wrapper Styling

Set the wrapper width, height, padding, background color, border, and box shadow.

Graphic Element Styling

Style the graphic element width, height, icon size, color, background color, border, border radius, and box shadow.

Title Styling

You can set the title typography, gap, color, and text shadow.

Description Styling

Here, you can set the typography, color, text shadow, text alignment for description.

Password Input Styling

You can set the width, height, gap, typography, alignment, padding, text color, border radius, and border.

Button Styling

Set the button positioning, width, gap, padding, margin, typography, background color, and border.

Protected Content Styling

Style the typography, color, and text shadow of protected content element.

Error Message Styling

You can set the error message typography, gap, color, and shadow.

Protected Content Design Example For Elementor

Here is a live use case for the Protected Content Widget.

Thank you for taking the time to review this documentation for the Protected Content Widget. We hope it has provided clear insights into utilizing this widget effectively for your website.

If you have additional questions or need further support, don’t hesitate to reach out or explore our additional resources. We’re always here to assist you in maximizing your Elementor experience!

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