The Taxonomy Terms Widget can be used to showcase your WordPress tags and categories in different ways. The Taxonomy Terms widget allows you to create an archive type navigation menu using a taxonomy. The widget generates a list of the terms that belong to a specific taxonomy so that each item can be clicked to navigate easily to the term archive in your WordPress website.
Let’s look at each of the options in the “Taxonomy Terms Widget” below.
Install Taxonomy Terms Widget for Elementor #
This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.
- Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
- Search in the search bar for “Taxonomy Terms”
- Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
- Add your “Taxonomy Terms” widget to any Elementor Page
General Settings #
Select Post Type
Select the post type from given options.
- Post
- Product
- Variations
Select Taxonomy
Select the taxonomy from dropdown options.
- Category
- Tag
- Format
Include By
Select from the options below to include the exact posts you want.
- Specific Terms
- Children of
- Children of Current Term
- By Search Text
- Only Childless
- Not a Child of Other Term
- Term Meta
Exclude By
Choose the posts you want to exclude.
- Specific Terms
- Current Term (for archive only)
- Hide Empty Terms
Max Number of Terms
Choose the max number of terms you want to display.
Order By
Order the terms using below given options.
- Default
- Name
- Slug
- Term Group
- Term ID
- Description
- Parent
- Count - (number of posts associated)
- Include - (specific terms order)
- Meta Value
- Meta Value - Numeric
Order Direction
Select the order direction of posts.
- Default
- Descending
- Ascending
Taxonomy Terms Settings #
Choose an icon to display.
Select the layout to display taxonomy terms.
- Grid
- Inline Terms
Grid Columns
Type the number of grid columns to display.
Grid Gap
Set the grid gap between grid items.
Show Icon
Show/Hide the icon element.
Show Number of Posts
Show/Hide the number of posts in a specific term.
Show Description
Show/Hide the description element.
Show Image
Show/Hide the image.
Responsive Breakpoint
The taxonomy terms list will show only when clicking on toggle under the screen resolution you have set as responsive breakpoint.
Open Toggle Icon
Choose an icon for open toggle.
Close Toggle Icon
Choose an icon for close toggle.
Toggle Alignment
Set the toggle alignment.
- Inherit
- Left
- Center
- Right
Taxonomy Terms Widget Styling #
You can control very aspect of the widget’s design through different styling options. Choose colors that complement the style of your website. You can modify the text, icons, fonts, and layout to make the widget look and work the way you want.
Item Styling #
Set the item padding, border, radius, margin, typography, and color.
Item Hover Styling #
In this section, style the item hover text color, background color, border width, and border color.
Item Selected Styling #
You can set the item selected text color, background color, and border.
Icon Styling #
In this section, set the icon spacing and icon size.
Description Styling #
Style the description padding, color, and typography.
Post Count Styling #
Here, you can style the post count spacing, color, and typography.
Toggle Styling #
You can style the size, background, color, border, and radius of toggle button.
Usage Examples #
Here are some live use cases for the Taxonomy Terms Widget.