The Unlimited Charts widget allows you to produce stunning visualized data graphics within Elementor. You can design almost any kind of chart imaginable:
- Pie Chart
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Polar Area Chart
- Radar Chart
Below you can see examples of each chart type:
Install Unlimited Charts Widget for Elementor
This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.
- Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
- Search in the search bar for “Unlimited Charts”
- Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
- Add your “Unlimited Charts” widget to any Elementor Page
General Settings
Chart Type
Pie, Line, Bar, Doughnut, Polar Area, Radar
Chart height in pixels (responsive field)
Only applies to bar and line charts. Set the direction of the chart: horizontal or vertical.
Animation on Looad
Animates the chart when the page is loaded.
Placement for the title and subtitle: On top or bottom of chart.
Show Title
Title on or off.
Text for title.
Show sub title
Sub title on or off.
Sub Title
Text for sub title.
Below you can see a chart with a title and subtitle placed on the top:
Legend Settings
Show Legend
Show the legend of the chart: yes or no.
Legend Position
The position of the legend. Top, left, right, bottom.
Change Legend Style
Change the shape of the label point style.
Legend Point Style
Circle, rectangle, rounded rectangle, rotated rectangle, triangle.
Grid Line Settings
Tooltips Settings
Turn on or off the tooltip
Position for tooltip: average, nearest.
Show Percentage
Show data in precent.
If true, the tooltip will only appear when the interaction ( mouse hover or gesture ) happens over an item on the chart ( example: an individual point in a line chart ) .
Defines which element(s) data will appear on the tooltip:
- Item
- Items of all datasets in the same category
- All items in the same dataset
Create Dataset
A dataset is a group of related data items that are visualized on the graph.
Title for dataset
For internal use only.
Item Type
Choose dataset to create a dataset. Every chart must have at least one dataset.
Dataset Label
The label that will be used in the legend if legend is enabled.
Bar Border Radius
Only applies to bar chart types.
Override Line Color
Only valid for line and radar charts.
Override Point Styles
Only valid for line and radar charts.
Below you can view the settings when overrides are on:
Create Data Items
Data item must be under a data set.
Title for data item
For internal use only.
Item Type
Choose data item and make sure there is a data set above.
Labe for data item.
Numeric value for the data item.
Background Color
Set background color of data item.
Border Color
Set border color of data item.
Border Width
Set border width of data item.
Hover Background Color
Set hover background color of data item.
Hover Border Color
Set hover border color of data item.
Hover Border Width
Set hover border width of data item.
Tooltips Styling
Legend Styling
Line and Radar Charts Styling
Bellow you can see examples with fill on and off:
Grid Lines Styling
Bar Charts Styling
Bar Width Type
- Auto - Automatic Width
- Custom - Set width in pixels
Custom Bar Width
Set bar width in pixels
Stack Bars
Stack the bars on top of each other. Below you can find an example of the same chart when stack is on and off.