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Unlimited Table for Elementor

The Unlimited Table widget gives you the easiest way to create table layouts using Elementor. Easily create beautiful tables with sorting and filters.

Let’s look at each of the options in the “Unlimited Table” below.

Install Unlimited Table Widget for Elementor

This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.

  1. Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
  2. Search in the search bar for “Unlimited Table”
  3. Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
  4. Add your “Unlimited Table” widget to any Elementor Page

General Settings



Set the width of the table in %.



Set the alignment for the table cells data.

Table Filtering


Enable Filterning

Enable the filter option for the table.


Filter Type

Choose the placement for the filter: In the Header or in the Toolbar.

Table Layout


Responsive Column Behaviour

What happens to columns when the table width is too small to show all columns.

  1. Collapse Columns
  2. Hide Columns

Columns Default State

  1. Close
  2. Open

Text Direction

  1. Auto
  2. Left to Right
  3. Right to Left

Resize Columns

Whether the columns can be resized by drag and drop on the frontend.

Table Grouping


Enable Grouping by Column

This will enable grouping in the data table.


Column ID

The number of the column used to group the rows.


Default State

  1. Collapse All
  2. Expand All
  3. Expand First Only

Apply Breakpoint

If enabled the grouping will apply only under the given breakpoint set in px. 

Table Toolbar


Enable Copy

Will allow users to copy the table data to clipboard.


Enable Print

Will allow users to print the table to there local printer.


Enable Downlooad

Will allow users to download the table data to a PDF file.


Enable Icon Tooltips

Will show tooltips when hovering over the toolbar icons.

Items Settings

Manage the data of the table using the repeater field.

  • Add new items
  • Duplicate items
  • Delete items
  • Reorder Items
  • Edit Items

To create a table in the correct structure you need to add 3 types of items.

  • Header
  • Row
  • Column

Add Table Header Items

The first step in creating your table is to add table header items to the top of the table. Add all the header items before starting to add rows.


Item Title

An inner title that will not show in the table itself is only used for editing the table.


Item Type

Choose an item type header to add a header item to your table.



The data which will show in your header item to website visitors.


Header Icon

Add an icon to your table header.


Override Header Color

If enabled will allow change the text or icon color of the data.


Override Header Background

If enabled will allow changing the background color of the header cell.


Column Minimum Width

A minimum width in pixels for the column.


Enable Sorting

Adds a sorting arrow to sort the contents of the column. 

Add Table Row

The second step in creating your table is to add table row items to your table.


Item Title

An inner title that will not show in the table itself is only used for editing the table.


Item Type

Choose an item type row to add a row item to your table.


Override Row Background

If enabled will allow changing the specific row background.

Add Table Columnn

The third step in creating your table is to add table column items under the table row. Each needs to correspond with the table header above it.


Item Title

An inner title that will not show in the table itself is only used for editing the table.


Item Type

Choose an item type column to add a column item to your table row. Make sure the column item is under a row item. Add multiple columns to match the number of header items.


Content Type

  1. Icon
  2. Image
  3. Button
  4. Textarea
  5. Editor
  6. Template

Override Color

Will allow to override the text and icon color of the data cell. 


Override Background Color

Will allow overriding the background of the table cell.

Table Widget Styling

Every aspect of the widget’s design can be controlled through different styling options. Choose colors that complement the style of your website. You can modify the text, icons, fonts, and layout to make the widget look and work the way you want.

Table Header Style

Table Rows Style

Table Filtering Style

Table Tool Bar Style

Table Grouping Style

Table Images Style

Table Icons Style

Table Resize Handles Style

Table Sorting Style

Table Buttons Style

Video Overview

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