Now you can export an import Elementor templates with their images. As you may noticed if you export and import a template from a website that is not live anymore, the template is loaded without its images. This tool will zip your template with all its images and UE widgets allowing you to import it even when the original site is not live.
To export a Elemenor template with images you need to first save it as a template.
1.To save a page as a template go the small arrow next to the green update button you use to save the page.
2. Then select save as template.
3. Exit the page and go to the Templates in the WP dashboard.
4. Hover over the template you want to export and click EXPORT WITH IMAGES
5. Login the new site you want to import to
6. Click on templates in the menu
7. On top you will see a new button called IMPORT TEMPLATE WITH IMAGES
8. Select the zip file and click import