Elementor Widgets / Tools / Toggle Dropdown
Toggle Dropdown Widget for Elementor
The Toggle Dropdown is a button or icon that, when clicked, toggles the visibility of a dropdown menu or content area, allowing users to show or hide information as needed easily.
Popular Use Cases for the Toggle Dropdown Widget
Display additional links or subcategories when clicked or hovered.
Open a compact search bar for quick, space-saving searches.
Show a mini cart with items and total price without page redirection.
Allow users to filter products by price, size, or other categories.
Conserve space by revealing links or content only when needed on mobile.
Reveal a login or registration form without navigating to another page.
Display options like settings or logout on click of a profile icon.
Reveal hidden content like descriptions or lists with a simple toggle.
Display a dropdown for search, live chat, or quick help links.