
Widgets  /  Tools  /  Google Maps

Google Maps Widget for Elementor

The easiest way to add Google Maps to your Elementor pages with customized styles and layouts. Create advanced google maps with multiple markers and map navigator with a live search bar.

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Google Maps Widget with Central European Countries
Google Maps with Countries
Google Maps Widget with Quick Service Restaurants of Colorado
Google Maps with Quick Service...
Google Maps Widget with Restaurants in London
Google Maps with Restaurants...
Google Maps Widget with Eight Wonders of the World
Google Maps with Iconic Places...
Google Maps Widget with Pandora Store Locations in Europe
Google Maps with Store Locations
Google Maps Widget with 5 Stars Hotels of Bali
Google Maps with Hotels
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Map Settings & Controls

Versatile Settings to Customize Your Google Maps

The Google Maps widget offers versatile settings for customization, allowing users to adjust map type, language, and controls like zoom, rotate, and fullscreen options. Additionally, it includes convenient buttons for current location and resetting the map to default settings.

Google Map Navigator

Navigate and Discover with Ease

Utilize the map navigator to enhance user navigation between various locations on your map. You have the option to categorize these places and even incorporate a live search bar for efficient filtering.

Built In Coordinates Finder Tool

Use the built in coordinates finder tool to search for location coordinates inside of your Elementor builder without needing to open any third party websites or jump between browser tabs. This will make your map building experience much easier.

Google Map Styles

Choose from a list of different styles for your Google Maps widget with 10+ predefined styles. If you didn’t find something you like you can always browse the giant Snazzy Maps directory with tons of styles and copy  paste the JSON code inside of the Elementor widget settings.

Marker Clusters

Group markers that are close to one another into clusters automatically. Customize your clusters with advanced settings to make your google maps widget work exactly like you want.

Info Window

Design a custom info window with essential information about your places:

Step by Step Tutorial

Learn How It Works?

Learn how to use the Google Maps Widget with this video tutorial. Master each step at your own pace effortlessly.