Elementor Widgets / Carousels / Card Carousel
Card Carousel Widget for Elementor
Use the card carousel widget to display two or more pieces of content in a carousel format.
The Power of Multiple Dynamic Source Types
Widget Settings
Create the Perfect Carousel Showcase
Customization is at Your Fingertips
Remote Controls
Total Design Freedom with Connected Widgets
Sync Widgets Together
Craft Customized Flexible Layouts
Elevate Your Carousel Display with Precision and Ease
Flexible. Lightweight. Intutive.
Keep your content in constant motion for a dynamic display with seamless, continuous carousel looping.
Number of Items
Easily tailor the quantity of items for various screens, ensuring flexibility across different devices.
Slides to Scroll
Control the number of slides moved per navigation, giving precise user interaction.
Transition Speed
Customize the pace of carousel transitions for a visually appealing and personalized display.
Margin Between Slides
Optimize visual presentation by adjusting spacing based on screen size.
Stage Padding
Enhance visual appeal with an offset effect for a polished display.
Effortlessly engage your audience with automated carousel progression for a hands-free experience.
Autoplay Interval
Set transition timing with control over autoplay intervals for a well-paced display.
Pause on Hover
Improve user focus by temporarily halting autoplay when hovered over.
Transition Easing
Adjust transition smoothness for a polished user experience.
Center Mode
Emphasize items by placing them at the carousel center for a visually impactful display.
Change on Click
Boost engagement by allowing item transitions through simple click interactions.
RTL (Right-to-Left)
Accommodate language and design preferences with right-to-left reading mode.
Random Order
Add variety by randomizing the order of displayed items.
Mouse Drag
Provide intuitive navigation with mouse-dragging through the carousel.
Touch Drag
Extend functionality to touchscreen devices for seamless dragging and enhanced engagement.
Scroll to Head
Ensure smooth transitions by automatically scrolling to the head of an item when not visible.
Mouse Wheel Control
Enhance user control with mouse wheel functionality as an alternative navigation method.
Auto Width
Optimize visual appeal by dynamically adjusting the width of carousel items to match their content width.