Widgets / Creative / Lordicon Animated Icons
Animated Icons
Widget for Elementor
Powerful animated icon library with 1500+ free and premium animated Lottie animations. Download icons as Lottie JSON files or just paste the CDN link.
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Lordicon Animated Icons with...
Lordicon Animated Icons with...
Lordicon Animated Icons as...
Lordicon Animated Icons as...
Lordicon Animated Icons with...
Lordicon Animated Icons as...
Lordicon Animated Icons with...
Unlimited Grid with Animated...
How Does It Work?
The Lordicon widgets is one of the easiest and simplest widgets to use. You can incorporate an animated Icon in your Elementor website using two methods.
Paste Lordicon URL
Get the CDN link from the lordiocn website and just paste it inside of the widget settings.
Upload Lordicon Json File
Download the Json File from the Lordicon library and upload it to the widget using the WordPress media manager.
Target Animation
For ultimate flexibility you can choose a target to trigger your icon animation. For example the animation will occur only when you hover or click:
- On Widget
- On Icon
- On Column
- On Section
- Custom Target