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Best 7 Menu Navigation Widgets for Elementor

Menu widgets are very helpful to organize your website pages. They are designed to assist users to get from one page to another with ease and guarantee the best user experience on WordPress. So, this article will reveal the best menu navigation widgets for Elementor.

1. Side Menu

Here is the first widget for Elementor – Side Menu. Being an essential element of your site navigation design, it appears by the side of your website’s main content. It can be located either on the right or the left sides. This depends on your site structure.


The Side Menu widget is easy-to-use, highly customizable, and well-functioned enabling you to create multi-level WordPress menus. 


It provides you with these advanced features:


  • Multi-level menu
  • CTA buttons 
  • Off-canvas
  • Advanced search bar
  • Push content effect
  • Overlay, and many more other features


Through the widget’s essential functionalities you will have full control over the various sections in the side widget. Here you may check these highly-customizable sections:


  • WP Menu
  • Search Bar
  • Overlay
  • Menu Title
  • Action, Toggle, and Close Buttons


The main benefits of this widget include building unique side menus to have a great user experience and customizing colors, typography, and styles.

The fullscreen menu is a simple overlay covering the entire screen enabling you to add many menu items. It is an ideal replacement for the mega-menu, especially for websites having limited space.

You may implement a minimalistic navigation button to open a fullscreen menu on your Elementor website through the Fullscreen Menu Widget and Liquid Fullscreen Menu Widget. Here are their foremost functionalities:


  • Transition effects
  • Elementor template
  • Animated Hamburger icon
  • Social icons

Also, they enable you to customize different elements such as:

  • Hamburger and Social icons
  • Menu/Submenu items
  • Menu background

The widgets allow you to build unique fullscreen menu layouts on your WordPress site by loading some Elementor templates.

3. One Page Scroll Navigation

Here is the next widget – One Page Scroll Navigation which is an ideal solution for a one-page website built with Elementor. It is like a full-screen slideshow filling the whole browser window. And the users may access the remaining content of the website by scrolling down the page.


This will help you to ease the user experience with simple navigation and scrolling on your WordPress site.


You can use the widget without difficulties and configure it even if you do not have programming skills. All you should do is add a section ID to the anchor link. Then you will get a one-page easily scrolling website with just a few clicks. Moreover, the users can simply click on the navigation button to be transferred from one anchor point to another.


The styles are also highly customizable to suit your website’s overall look. 

4. Circle Menu

The next unique menu widget is Circle Menu. It has quite a unique interface distributing page links in the components of its overall radius. So, you may see the submenu items arranged around its circle. This looks very engaging and perceivable even at the first glance.


The widget offers you many design solutions and custom items to receive the closest design suitable for your website. 

5. List Menu

If you prefer ordinary list menus on your WordPress website then the List Menu widget is exactly for you. It enables you to display the WP menu in a list format. Furthermore, you may insert it both in the footer and in the sidebar determining its depth, title, alignment, and different icons. Also, the widget gives a big customization opportunity.


One of the most essential advantages of the List menu widget is that it displays the menu items in a very understandable and ordered way in your preferred location on the website.

6. Accordion Menu

The Accordion Menu widget is for those who mostly like to see accordion-style menus on their WordPress sites. This is a unique type of menu that combines stacked headers vertically. When clicked on the sections, these headers show more details. So, you are allowed to add more content to your posts and pages without implementing long scrolls.


The widget is easy to configure. All you should do is choose a WP menu, define the depth amount and make an accordion menu in a few clicks.


As in the previous widgets, the Unlimited Elements gives a bunch of customization and layout settings in the Accordion menu widget, too.


The widget provides a smooth navigation process and lessens the scrolling process. Meanwhile, it keeps the whole content to be displayed when triggered.

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