Table of Contents
Feature: Added option to change items section label and heading
Add more context to your Items by giving them a custom label and heading.
Feature: Added JS snippet with code that works in Elementor popup
Use this JS snippet to make sure widgets with Javascript will load inside of Elementor Popups.
Feature: Added option to add {current_user_id} keyword in post meta query
In post query you can now select to show only posts related to the current logged in user.
* Requires ACF plugin or any other similar custom field plugin.
Feature: Added option for block label inside each attribute
In the widget creator when adding new attribute or editing existing ones you can now determine if the label will be inline with the field or in a block layout making the field 100% width.
Feature: Added php filter option for variable
Get any data using a variable by PHP
For more information visit this link:
Feature: added twig functions “get_post_term” and “is_post_has_term”.
The examples visible when you click on item.posts.putPostTerm placeholder.
Inside of the post terms loop you can now choose a single term to manipulate it to your needs.
In addition to all the features added here is a list of bug fixes and changes included in the latest version update.
- Fix: Fixed some test widgets output relate bugs
- Fix: Conditions settings was not affected typography controls
- Fix: Fixed template dynamic background image not displaying in dynamic loops
- Change: Added instructions for api connectivity test in general settings – Troubleshooting