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February Updates

Wrapping Up Our Plugin Enhancements for December 2023

Welcome to our latest release roundup, where we’re eager to share a curated list of improvements, new features, and bug fixes. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the latest enhancements not only in our core plugin but also in the widgets that power your Elementor experience. Get ready to dive into the details of our latest updates designed to enhance your website-building journey.

Core Plugin

  • Bug Fix: Addressed detection issues related to post filters on the page.
  • Bug Fix: Resolved occurrences of the “Type not found” PHP message.
  • Bug Fix: Rectified instances of the “Infinite template found” PHP message, addressing empty template load protection.
  • Improvement: Incorporated an Instagram API access error message for better user guidance.
  • Improvement: Deprecated the “Import with Images” functionality, now replaced by the Doubly plugin.
  • New Feature: Introduced the “iframe” gallery type to the available gallery items.
  • Improvement: Fixed the “Show/Hide Edit HTML Button” option in general settings.
  • Bug Fix: Resolved the general_settings.xml PHP error. 
  • Bug Fix: Addressed issues related to gallery loading on pages and current meta keys.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed the default value in the datetime control.
  • Improvement: Implemented improvements for the form.
  • Improvement: Set video placeholder to dynamic galleries in the case of video items.

Dynamic Post Popup

  • Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where YouTube videos continued playing after closing a popup.

Blob Shapes

  • Bug Fix: Rectified a bug causing the shadow of the blob to be invisible within sections with a background color.

Mega Slider

  • New Feature: Implemented the Margin Between Items option, offering users the ability to adjust the spacing between Mega Slides.

Flip Box Carousel

  • New Feature: Introduced the Change Back Links Icons Position To Outside Of The Card feature, enabling the display of icons outside the card regardless of which side is active (back or front).
  • New Feature: Implemented the Show Back Link Icons feature, empowering users to include various icons and configure associated links. This functionality enhances navigation by enabling the addition of distinct icons and their corresponding links, providing users with enhanced control and customization options within the interface.

Before After

  • Bug Fix: Resolved the Line Height 0 bug, which previously hindered the setup of label background colors.

Background Switcher

  • New Feature: Incorporated the Vertical Direction On Mobile option, enabling users to designate a vertical layout specifically for mobile devices. This feature enhances the adaptability and responsiveness of the interface.

Event List

  • New Feature: Introduced the Delay Before Load feature within the Carousel Layout Type, empowering users to set a specific delay, and facilitating third-party plugin initialization before the widget loads.
  • New Feature: Implemented the Layout Type option, allowing users to select between List and Carousel layout types.

Testimonial Carousel

  • Bug Fix: Conducted optimizations on the CSS codebase, enhancing performance and potentially improving load times.
  • Change: Transformed the Nav Arrow Spacing option from a Number attribute to a Slider format. Change: Adjusted the Nav Arrow Spacing option behavior to prevent unnecessary widget refreshes within the editor when modifying its value, optimizing the editing process.
  • Change: Adjusted the Dot Alignment option behavior to prevent unnecessary widget refreshes within the editor when modifying its value, optimizing the editing process.
  • Bug Fix: Rectified a typography error present in the Rating Align option, ensuring accuracy and consistency in text display.
  • New Feature: Implemented transitions for carousel items, specifically addressing cases where the background color or shadow of a hovered item differs.
  • New Feature: Implemented availability to switch carousel types between Regular, Marquee, and Coverflow, enhancing the versatility of the interface.


  • New Feature: Added another option for the Phone (Mobile/Cell).


  • New Feature: Added New Option: Close Popup When Clicking Outside.

In summary, this release brings a host of exciting improvements, bug fixes, and new features across various widgets, enhancing the functionality and versatility of our plugin. Whether you use Dynamic Post Popup, Blob Shapes, Mega Slider, Flip Box Carousel, Before After, Background Switcher, Event List, Testimonial Carousel, vCard, or Hotspots, you can expect a more refined and feature-rich experience.

If you already have these widgets installed, please note that to access the new updates mentioned in this article, you will need to reinstall them. Simply delete the widget from your library and reinstall it to ensure that you benefit from the latest enhancements and fixes. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to providing you with even more exciting updates in the future. Happy website building!

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