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How to Create Multi-Step Forms

Welcome to our guide on creating multi-step forms. In this document, we’ll cover the essentials of crafting forms that guide users through complex processes smoothly. From design to implementation, learn how to create intuitive forms that enhance user experience and data collection efficiency.

Step 1: Add the form fields

To create a multi-step form you will need to add the form field widgets to your Elementor canvas. Each form step will be represented as a container in your Elementor layout. 

Step 2: Give the Container an ID

Since each step in the multi step form is a container you will need to give each container a unique ID under the advanced tab in the Elementor settings panel. 

Step 3: Add the Multi-Step Form Widget to your layout

The multi-step form widget is where you configure the ID of each step to unite all of the containers into one form. In the style settings you can also style the next and previous buttons alongside with the indicator type you choose. The most important part is to add the same number of items as the containers you created to represent your steps. Super important to fill in the name of the Element ID same as the CSS ID you gave the container earlier.

Step 4: Add the Submit Button

In the same container, you added the Multi Step Form widget It is time to add the submit button widget. This widget automatically connects to the multi-step form widget and is only used to configure the action after submitting settings inside of the Submit Button widget. The widget itself will not show in the front end it is only added to the layout for configuration purposes.

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