Multi Source functionality helps you to populate item-based widgets with multiple dynamic source types. You can use the built in Elementor repeater field to manage the data of your items directly within the website builder.
Install any item based widget that supports multi source function.
List Source Settings
You can select any of the below item source for repeater field.
- Items
- Posts
- Meta Field
- Gallery
- Terms
- Users
- Menu
Now, we will take a look at how it works with each of the item source. Here we are taking the List Widget as example.
You can use the item repeater field as item source.
You can manage the items using the repeater field.
- Add new items
- Duplicate items
- Delete items
- Reorder Items
- Edit Items
Type text for item title.
Type text to display.
Type or paste your URL to link.
Show Image
Show/Hide the image
Override Default Colors
You can override the default colors for this particular item.
You can use the wordpress posts as item source. There is a very advanced post selection feature in Unlimited Elements, so you can show only the posts you want.
Posts Source
Choose any of the below options for your post source.
- Current Query Post
- Custom Posts
- Related Posts
- Manual Selection
Post Types
Choose the type of post you want to display.
Include By
Include the posts from different options given below
- Include Sticky Posts
- Get Only Sticky Posts
- Author
- Date
- Post Parent
- Post Meta
- Most Viewed
- ID's from PHP function
- ID's from Post Meta
- ID's from Dynamic Field
Include By Terms
Choose specific posts that you would like to include from your selection by adding rules.
- Include By Terms Relation
- Include Terms Children
Exclude By
Choose specific posts that you would like to exclude from your selection by adding rules.
- Terms
- Current Posts
- Author
- Post Without Featured Image
- Posts with current category
- Posts with current tags
- Offset
- Avoid Duplicates
- ID's from Dynamic Field
To know more about post query setting, please visit our article on Advanced Post Selection
ACF Custom Field
You can also use the advance custom field as item source.
- Add the ACF custom field as repeater and add the subfield in it.
- Select any post and give the custom fields their respective values.
- Now use that ACF field as item source.
ACF Field Name
Type the ACF field name you want to use as item source.
ACF Field Location
Select the ACF field location.
- Current Post
- Parent Post
- Select Post
- Current Term
- Parent Term
- Current User
Title Source
Select the title source as item field name to choose title from acf field.
Text Source
Choose the text source.
Link Source
Select the link source from given options.
You can put JSON or CSV data or file url, and it will use this data in the widget as item source.
For example we have pasted the following csv data in data box that shows the name of three individuals and their respective posts.
Steven,Executive Officer
Marshall,Chief Analyst}
You can select the sources for title, text, link etc. as item field name or a static value.
Here, we will select the title source as Name and text source as Post.
From this, list widget will automatically populate the title and text element as shown below.
You can use the gallery to use it as item source. Select multiple photos to create a gallery. You can select title, text, link and image source from the gallery elements.
Select terms to use it as the item source.
To know more about term query setting, please visit our article on Advanced Post Selection.
You can use the users of website to use it as item source.
Select Roles
Choose any of the available roles for your item source or you can leave it empty for all the roles.
Exclude Roles
You can exclude specific roles from query.
Exclude By Specific Users
Exclude the specific user from query list.
Max Number of Users
Select the max number of user you want to display.
Order By
You can order the list by below terms.
- User ID
- Display Name
- User Name
- User Login
- Nice Name
- User URL
- Registered Date
- Number of Posts
Order Direction
Select the order direction of query list.
- Descending
- Ascending
Select menu to use it as item source.
Select Menu
Select the menu you want to display
Max Depth
Select the depths of menu to include in the item source.
- All Depths
- 1
- 2
- 3
This is a full list of the widgets that can work with multi source: