The Rhombus Grid Widget allows you to create a unique and creative layout style for your content using the Rhombus Grid widget for Elementor. This widget enables you to quickly and easily create an interactive grid with its wide range of customization and styling options. You can choose to open the images in a lightbox gallery when your website visitors click on them. It also supports advanced options such as Remote Connection and syncing with other widgets.
Let’s look at each of the options in the “Rhombus Grid Widget” below.
Install Rhombus Grid Widget for Elementor
This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.
- Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
- Search in the search bar for “Rhombus Grid”
- Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
- Add your “Rhombus Grid” widget to any Elementor Page
The Rhombus Grid is fully integrated with dynamic source types that will supercharge your workflow.
Use any of the available source types to populate the content in your widget.
Source Types
- Items
- WordPress Posts
- ACF Custom Fields
- Terms
- Users
- WordPress Menu
General Settings
Columns Count
Set the number of columns in a row.
Set the gap between grid items.
Show Title
Show/Hide the item titles.
Show Text
Show/Hide the text.
Content Gap
Set the content gap.
Layout Style
Select the layout style.
- Style 1
- Style 2
Link Type
Choose the link type from the given options.
- Regular
- Lightbox
Transition Speed
Set the transition speed.
Content will show from right to left.
Constant Width on Mobile
Content will show in constant width on mobile devices.
Padding Type
Choose from the given options to show padding.
- None
- Both
- Left
- Right
Connected Widgets Settings
Enable Remote Connection
Use remote control widgets to create advanced creative layouts.
Widget Name for Connection
This name will be used to connect and controls this widget by other widgets.
You can connect two item-based widgets and sync them.
Sync Group
Choose the same group for two or more item-based widgets so they can sync together.
Sequence Entrance Animation Settings
Sequence Entrance Animation
Set the sequence entrance animation for rhombus grid.
Items Settings
Manage the rhombus grid items using the repeater field.
- Add new items
- Duplicate items
- Delete items
- Reorder Items
- Edit Items
Set a title for your grid item.
Type text for grid item.
Background Image
Set the background image.
Background Image Size
Set the background image size.
- Medium Large
- Large
- Medium
- Thumbnail
- Full Size
- 1536*1536
- 2048*2048
Background Image Position
Set the background image position.
- Left Top
- Left Center
- Left Bottom
- Right Top
- Right Center
- Right Bottom
- Center Top
- Center Center
- Center Bottom
Graphic Element
Choose graphic element to display.
- None
- Icon
- Image
- Text
Link Type
Select link type from given options.
- None
- Regular Link
- Lightbox
- Button
Show on Desktop
Show grid for desktop.
Show on Tablet
Show grid for tablet.
Show on Mobile
Show grid for mobile.
Items Styling
Use styling options to style each item.
Rhombus Grid Widget Styling
Every aspect of the widget’s design can be controlled through different styling options. Choose colors that complement the style of your website. You can modify the text, icons, fonts, and layout to make the widget look and work the way you want.
Item Container Styling
Set the max width, alignment, background color, border, hover animation, image opacity etc.
Title Styling
You can style the title color and typography.
Text Styling
This section lets you set the text color and typography.
Button Styling
You can customize color, hover color, background color, typography, padding, border, and box shadow.
Graphic Element Styling
Set the width, height, background color, border, radius, shadow, spacing, text typography, and icon size of graphic element.
Usage Examples
Here are some live use cases for the Rhombus Grid widget.
Rhombus Grid widget synced with Remote Arrows.