The Logo Carousel Widget can be used to display multiple logos in a interactive carousel layout style. The logo carousel is the best widget to display logos of your clients, partners, sponsors, and affiliates inside of any Elementor page. You can also display multiple logos in a single column.
Let’s look at each of the options in the “Logo Carousel Widget” below.
Logo Carousel Video Tutorial
Install Logo Carousel Widget for Elementor
This widget requires Unlimited Elements PRO version installed and activated on your WordPress website.
- Go to Unlimited Elements Widget Library
- Search in the search bar for “Logo Carousel”
- Hover over the widget in the search results and click install
- Add your “Logo Carousel” widget to any Elementor Page
General Settings
Number of Items
Set the number of items to display at a time.
Turn on or off the autoplay option.
Autoplay Hover Pause
Autoplay will pause over mouse hover.
Show Arrows
Show/Hide the navigation arrows.
Show Dots
Show/Hide the navigation dots.
Turn on or off the loop option for carousel.
Margin Between Items
Set the margin between carousel items.
Autoplay Timeout
Set the time for autoplay timeout.
Transition Speed
Set the transition speed in milliseconds.
Make the carousel item center.
Make 3D
It will make the center item 3D.
Arrow Icons Settings
Left Arrow
Choose an icon for left navigation arrow.
Right Arrow
Choose an icon for right navigation arrow.
Connected Widgets Settings
Enable Remote Connection
Visit Name for Connection
Provide a name for the connection that other widgets will use to connect and control this widget.
Sync Group
Choose the same group for two or more item-based widgets so they can sync together.
Items Settings
Manage the logo carousel items using the repeater field.
- Add new items
- Duplicate items
- Delete items
- Reorder Items
- Edit Items
Type the title for logo carousel item.
Choose the image for logo carousel item.
Paste your URL to link with logo.
Two Items Per Column
This will show two items in one column.
Item Styling
You can style the item height, background, border radius, padding, and border.
Nav Dots Styling
Set the nav dots size, color, active color, spacing, and alignment.
Nav Arrows Styling
Here, you can style the nav arrows spacing, position, radius, background, color etc.
Usage Examples
Here are some live use cases for the Logo Carousel widget.
Example of Logo Carousel with multiple logos in each column.